Intimate Relationships

Sharing life with someone is one of the most rewarding and challenging endeavors of human experience. It takes personal and relational maturity to find a healthy way to live with the good and the bad, the pleasant and not so pleasant in ourselves and in another whom we have chosen to embrace. In my opinion, growing in relational intimacy is a lifelong journey that never stops. It progresses hand in hand with growing in trust. It requires humility and courage to continue down the path, but we run into road blocks along the way and the fear of intimacy takes over.  We get stuck, but stuck usually does not mean that we just stop growing and find some neutral ground. If we are not growing in intimacy, our relationships are withering and dying. Whether we see it coming or not, they become stale or volatile. Our partner becomes our enemy or insignificant rather than our friend, partner or ally.

It is important to pay attention to the undercurrents that erode the foundation of our relationships. Often it takes inviting someone else into the center of the relationship to help us see the undercurrents and find where hope may lie.  I have worked with couples to find deeper intimacy through a wide variety of relationship issues including: premarital counseling, communication problems, perpetual conflicts, sexual issues, blocks due to underlying emotions, parenting issues including children with special needs, grief and loss, infidelity,  domestic violence, and even separation, divorce, and co-parenting issues.